IGP: Ibrahim Idris.

-By Garvey Ufot.

Concerning the self humiliation of Nigeria’s Inspector General of Police, Ibrahim Idris Kpotun, in Kano in a viral ‘transmission’ video currently making the rounds online, I have read a few commentators ask the somewhat rhetorical but needless question:


How did we get here? Really? Foolish question!

Well, here is how:

It started with the shameless repackaging of Muhammadu Buhari with tribal hatred, lies and revisionism by Tinubu slaves in Yoruba land with their tribalistic media houses led by ‘Sahara Reporters’, ‘The Nation’, ‘The Punch’ and TVC prior to, and shortly after, the 2015 election.

All the Buhari ‘transmission’ warning signs were there in the run up to the 2015 election but Tinubu Yoruba slaves and their pockets of narrow-minded allies in some other parts of the country were too far gone in their vicious anti-Igbo, anti-minority, anti-David Mark/Idoma, anti-Godswill Akpabio and anti-Jonathan bigotry to notice.

 Muhammadu Buhari

In February, 2015, just a month before the Nigerian election, in an interview with Al Jazeera TV, Muhammadu Buhari, the Presidential Candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), referred to his own political party on which platform he was contesting as:

*All Progressives Confidence.

In the same interview, for Buhari, Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) became:

*Independent Nigeria Electoral Commission.

See the video here:

All the warnings from men and women of good will over this shameful lack of discernment on the part of Buhari were ignored by his kinsmen and women in the Muslim North and the Tinubu Yoruba South West, who just wanted to spite the incumbent President, Goodluck Jonathan.

During his 2015 election campaign stop in Owerri, Imo State, Muhammadu Buhari referred to his running mate, Professor Yemi Osinbajo, as:

*Professor Osunbade

while addressing the Governor of Imo State as:

*the Governor of Ibo State.

Here’s the video:

Nigerians were alarmed, but tribalistic Tinubu slaves in Yoruba land cheered on. It did not matter to them one bit since, in their bigoted estimation, Buhari would deal with Jonathan and the Igbos, their perennial enemies.

In June, 2015, shortly after he was elected President to the happiness of these small minded Tinubu minions in Yoruba land, Buhari attended the G7 meeting in Germany. On his return to Abuja, Buhari spoke of his gratitude to:

*President Michelle of
*’West Germany’


Chancellor Angela Merkel of

‘West Germany’ having ceased to exist since 1990.

Here is the story:

Yet his low IQ apologists, the same morons who had had a field day mocking former First Lady, Patience Jonathan’s ‘There is God’ speech, even though she was not a public officer, stubbornly refused to see the danger signals in a Buhari with such decayed faculties and heart of darkness.

In September, 2016, at the launch of his ‘Change Begins With Me’ campaign in which Buhari hopelessly plagiarised Barack Obama’s 2009 inauguration speech, Buhari stuttered and stumbled several times on the word ‘spirit’ which he kept on pronouncing as:


Here is the story:

But for his pockets of blind and tribalistic supporters, this was the new normal.

And so when Buhari began to make his absolutely bigoted, incompetent and toxic appointments, and the country was now in an uproar, his supporters in the Muslim North, as well as his tribalistic Tinubu slaves in the South West, continued to cheer.

First was his Finance Minister, Kemi Adeosun. In February, 2016, Ms Adeosun, while ignorantly accusing the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) of incomplete fiscal remittance to the government, as though WAEC was a profit making organisation rather than an examinations body, had goofed while doing a simple arithmetic claiming that:

*N16 billion + N6 billion = N24 billion

instead of:

N22 billion.

Here is the story:

Enter Solomon Dalung, Buhari’s inimitable Minister of Sports. Dalung, who was being questioned by the House of Representatives Committee on Sports over issues of disbursement of funds to the various sports federations, denied allegations that his ministry was corrupt.

In his desperation to defend himself, Dalung said:

*’The funds spended were properly
spended because we got them from
intervention funds from Mr. President.’

Here is the story:

And now we have the chickens coming home to roost in Buhari’s latest ‘transmission’ of his semi literacy to Ibrahim Idris Kpotun in a government of transfused bigotry, incompetence and Godlessness.

Thus, to the question: How did we get here?

The simplest answer is that this is the result of tribalism, raw, vicious and Godless tribalism, as well as Godless religious bigotry over selfless and broadminded recognition of competence.

Anyone who asks or wonders why we now have people like Ibrahim Idris as Inspector General of Police is either amnesiac or merely pretending. Muhammadu Buhari is the answer.

For, President Buhari, Finance Minister Kemi Adeosun, Sports Minister Solomon Dalung and Inspector General of Police Ibrahim Idris are perfect illustrations of:

-Garvey Ufot


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