COVID19: Nasarawa commences 24-hour curfew on Karu.


By David Odama

The Nasarawa State Government, In an effort to curb the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, has imposed a 24-hour curfew on Karu Local Government Area of the state with effect from Thursday due to its proximity to the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.

The government also banned vehicular movement from 8p.m. to 6a.m. across the state. Governor Abdullahi Sule made the announcement on Wednesday, while addressing journalists in government house, Lafia.

He said: “This is particularly necessary, considering the influx of people from the Federal Capital Territory, FCT, Abuja which has been locked down as part of measures to control the spread of the pandemic.“It is for this reason and in line with the provision of the Nasarawa State Dangerous Infectious Diseases (Emergency Prevention) Regulations, 2020, as well as the advice of the Nasarawa State High Powered Committee on COVID-19, that the measures come into immediate effect.“Enforcement of a 24 hour curfew in Karu Local Government Area with effect from 6p.m. of Thursday, April 2, for 14 days in the first instance; entry into Nasarawa State is hereby restricted to between 6p.m. and 6a.m. and all persons coming into the state shall continue to be screened at the designated check-points/mobile clinics.”

According to him, “movement in Lafia, the state capital and other urban centres are hereby restricted from 8p.m. to 6a.m., with effect from Thursday, April 2.“He added that all markets are to remain closed, except sellers of food items and medicaments outside the markets, except in Karu Local Government Area where there is a 24-hour curfew.”

He urged “the people of the state to continue to maintain the social distancing directive of the Federal Government and other measures to prevent the spread of the pandemic.“All civil servants from GL 01 to 12 are to remain at home except those on essential services until further notice; while security personnel are hereby directed to ensure the enforcement of these directives.”

The governor added that a palliative committee had been constituted to ensure that the citizens of the state are “provided with necessary succour during this trying moments.”


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