Dan Orbih Frowns At Seccession, Clamours For Restructuring.


By Isaac Bolu Isaiah

National Vice-chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, South-South, Dan Orbih has said that the breaking up of the country is not the option but a revisit to the restructuring of the county, as being canvassed by some prominent Nigerians and groups.

He also advised proponents of secession to have a rethink, saying that a cursory look at the history of the country indicates that breaking up the country was never the answer.

However, he blamed the current beating of the drum for secession by some sections on the way and manner the current government in power is running the affairs of the country.

Speaking yesterday in Benin City, Edo State, Orbih said “I don’t think that secession is an option for this nation because when you go through our history, secession is never the answer.

“There is every reason for people to think there is reason to revisit the issue of the restructuring of the country as it is now. I think that when you have a bad government even the best constitution will not work.

“The type of problem we have now in the country has been compounded by the type of government running its affairs. What we must know is that those who are worried and calling for the break up of the country are not doing so because they are tired of staying together as one nation, but because of the way the country is being run.

“Appointments seem to be one-sided, appointments seem to favour one section, not even one section but only one state, a development which only captures the interest of those in government.

“While it is very difficult to travel from one part of the country to the other, you are building a railway line from Nigeria to the Niger Republic. How do you reconcile this when people cannot even travel from their state capitals to Abuja by rail, yet you are building a railway line from Nigeria to the Niger Republic.

“These are some of the things that are making people to be worried and the agitations to me is just a reflection of the peoples’ lack of faith in those who are running the government.”


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